First, I began going to a new small group about 3 weeks ago, and I am loving it. It is a group of about 6-10 single women around my age. I instantly connected with these women and it has been sweet to meet with them each week. Two weeks ago we began an inductive study of the book Philippians. I have been enjoying digging into the book of the Bible and discussing it with these new friends. Last week was especially good! I love the book of Philippians and it was so good to look into it deeper. We read verses 1-11 and I was very convicted, encouraged and enlightened. I left wondering what my life would look like if I lived a life according to these verses? What would my life look like if I lived as though I KNEW that God has begun a good work in my life and will carry it on until completion? What would it look like if I loved people as Paul loved the people of Philippi? What would it looked like if I always prayed with joy for those I "partner" with (my co-workers, classmates, roommates, friends)? What does it look like to love with all knowledge and discernment? What is the "fruit of righteousness"?!?! Well I'm excited about these new friends and digging into the Word with them! The only down fall last week was that I got pooped on by a bird!
I've been trying to enjoy my last week of summer. I've spent a few days shopping for "professional" clothing (due to the fact that I have to dress up for my internship). Last night my roommates and I went to see Dave Barnes in concert. It was a GREAT concert, he played all of my favorite songs and he is SO funny! These pictures are from the concert. Today I spent the day today getting my hair highlighted and shopping (and I found the greatest sale which made my day!). As much fun as I've had this summer, I am ready to begin school (I never thought I would say those words). I'm even more excited to begin my internship! I talked to my director the other day and she informed me that two of the interns had to drop and therefore it will only be two of us! She said I should be ready for a BUSY semester. I think it will be fun but I know that it is going to be a lot, I'm ready to jump right in!
On more exciting news... I'm going home next week! A week or so ago I was talking to a few of my dear friends and it made me really miss them. That night I realized that I had earned a free ticket from my flights to Thailand, and thought I should use that to go home. So I get to go home for a friend's wedding and another friend's baby shower. I'm going to spend a few days with my oldest and dearest friend Emily, and go to the State Fair with her and her husband! I am very excited to be back in Minnesota for a few days!
Well that's all the updates for now...