Monday, December 10, 2012

Thankful for Today 12.9.12

1) Weekends! It's so nice to have weekends off to do the things I need to do and to rest and relax. The work week always seems so long but the weekends are a breath of fresh air. 

2) For a sewing machine. I've been wanting to learn how to sew for years now but didn't really want to spend that much money on something I wasn't sure if I'd be good at. One of my staff came to work one day with his wife's old sewing machine and gave it to me as a gift! It's an old machine but does the job. I've been sewing many new things. I do think that I will be purchasing a new fancier one once I get the hang of this a little more.

3) Sunday afternoon naps! 

4) The Village Church. Around 6 months ago I made the official move and began going to The Village Church, a church I have loved since I've moved to Fort Worth but always felt so far away. It's about a 45 minute drive and I wanted to find somewhere in Fort Worth. So when I found out they opening a campus in Fort Worth I knew it was a good move.  I love the spirit of the church and its been a sweet transition. 

5) Being able to walk through life with dear friends even when they lives miles away. Do you have people in your life who just bring joy to your heart? Friends who you can share your life with and who will love you through all of it? I got to talk with one of my dearest and sweetest friends on Saturday and it was so good for my heart. We laughed, I cried and we just shared where God has us. She called because she has a big decision to make and wanted my thoughts and wisdom. How sweet it is to be able to walk with people through life!  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thankful for Today 12.4.12

It's been awhile but I've now got Internet at home and hope to continue this great tradition... It's always sweet to my heart to think through the times I am thankful each day! It allows me to live in the here and now and be able to focus on the good in each day! Hope you enjoy walking through my thankfulness with me in my blog!

1) Having a flexible schedule at work.  I ended up being out late last night on a crisis call and it was amazing to be able to sleep in a little bit and stroll into work around 9:30... And I had the flexibility to go to lunch when I needed to and also sneak away in the afternoon to meet up with an old friend! I love that my job allows for that type of flexibility and realize that is not normal.

2) For amazing co-workers, it so nice to be able to get along with those people I work alongside with.  I'm thankful for those co-workers who I can enjoy working with and who spur me on to be a better employee and a better person!

3) For amazing staff! I manager 41 staff and it's great how great they are.  I know that they are doing what they need to do and trust that they are representing my programs well! I am even more thankful for them as I spend more time on other units and see all of their drama.... Makes me thankful for my (mostly) drama free teams!

4) Reminders of God's sovereignty, grace and forgiveness! I meet up with an old friend today and it was so sweet to my heart to be reminded of those characteristics of God. I am thankful that God knows what I need better than I do and that He extends grace and forgiveness and allows me to extend those things to people in my life. 

5) My pups! You may or may not know that I got Daisy a friend! For the story of how she became a part of the family please go to my sweet friend Les' blog posting.  I love how well the girls get along and how they both like to cuddle as we go into the evening. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Psalm 13

I just spent the evening listening to Shane & Shane along with Phil Wickham. I always love seeing Shane & Shane live because it is always such a moving show. Tonight was no different! They had only sung a few songs when the Spirit stirred in me and the tears began to fall... They  began to sing their song Psalm 13 and as I sang out with them, my God meet me where I was at.  The rest of the evening was spent in worship to my God, praising Him for who He is and where He has me.  I don't really know how to explain it but it was this crazy mixture of thankfulness and grief, contentment and loneliness, happiness and sorrow.  I have such a peace that I am exactly where I am suppose to be and yet life is so hard and lonely right now. 340 days ago I sat in my living room Christmas morning praying and pleading with God that I wouldn't have to spend one more holiday alone, and yet He continues to choose that for me. I could not have stated what my heart feels right now better than David did in Psalm 13 (and which Shane & Shane repened)...
Psalm 13

How long oh Lord will You forget me
How long oh Lord will You hide
Hide Your face from me
How long must I wrestle with me
and everyday have sorrow in my heart
sorrow in my heart

I will wait on You
I will wait on You
I will wait on You

Look on me Lord and answer me
Give my eyes light or I will sleep in death
I will sleep in death
My enemies say "I will overcome him"
and my foes rejoice even when I fall
I dont want to fall

For I will trust in Your unfailing love
My heart rejoices in Your salvation
I will sing to the Lord