Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Weddings & Reunions...

I feel as though the topic in my world lately has been love. Not my love but the love of those around me. It just seems to be that time of the year. Two of my good friends got engaged a few weeks back. I attended a wedding of a good friend of mine last weekend and it once again seems to be a summer of weddings for me. One of the things that I love about weddings is that they bring people together that have been seperated by life. As I think about the people closest to my heart I realize that we are spread out by thousands of miles. Weddings are the times of the year when we can come together and reunite to celebrate what God is doing in the lives of our friends.

At church a few weeks ago the pastor at a church I was at gave a very intresting sermon. He was talking about sex and relationships. Basically through it all he didn't leave any room for being single. He talked about how our goal should be to married and have lots of sex. This of course didn't leave much room for the almost 27 year old single girl. My roommates and I (4 single 20 something women) talked about how it truely is our desire to be married and yet how sweet this time of singleness is. I can not imagine my life had I have married my college sweetheart at 21. And yet I sit her 6 years wondering if that was infact my only chance at marriage. And if it was am I ok with that?!?! And you know what I think I am. For the first time in my life I am able to say that I am O.K. with being single possibly forever.

And so for now I will rejoice with my friends as they get married. I will enjoy the sweet times that my friends travel miles to be together and we have one night to catch up and rejoice with each other. At least we will get some fun pictures out of the times together. I do love to put on a pretty dress and dance the night away!!

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