A friend of mine wrote a blog entitled Unexpected Things and it really got me thinking. She talked about all of the things that have happened over the past year that were unexpected. That along with some conservations I've had lately have made me think about how God has been working in my life over that past few years... So here is a list of unexpected things that have happened in my life over the past few years...
The first thing that comes to mind (and is the major thing that has me where I am at today) is me leaving staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. While I do love this ministry I know that leaving staff was one of the best decisions of my life. Through a lot of wise council I realized that there is a much bigger arena of people that my life can influence than those people on a college campus. The first of many unexpected things. With that decision came the unexpected decision to go back to school. And with that decision came the decision to move to Texas. SO many unexpected things in such a short amount of time. Again I think the combination of these decisions have been VERY significant in my life!
The next unexpected thing was my stay in the hospital a little over a year ago. That really was a crazy time in my life! I had an allergic reaction to a antibiotic and my kidneys shut down. I spent 5 days in the hospital with a tube down my throat not knowing what the next day would look like. Luckily there was a specialist there who knew what was going on and we were able to catch it before it caused permanent damage to my kidneys.
Another unexpected thing that happened was that I truly love school this time around! I love learning more about how to help people and how to be the best social worker I can be. Although not exactly a big thing in my life it was unexpected!
I had the chance to go to Thailand twice this year! Thailand has become a land that I love! I feel in love with the people who will always be a part of my heart. I had so many amazing experiences in this land of smiles! I can not begin to explain how amazing these trips were. I learned so much during my time there. Since being back I have seen what the Lord was teaching me while over there. It's amazing how the Lord can use such hard times to teach one so much.
I am working at a State Senator's office. I never ever would have thought that would be something I would want to do! But here I am a month into my internship and loving it. I know that this is not what I want to do but it has been a good experience and I think will help me be a better professional in the end.
So those are some of the unexpected things that have happened over the past yearish! It is amazing to see how all these little unexpected things work together to bring me to the place that I am at. I feel as though I am at a spot in my life where I am truly happy. Yes I'm excited about more unexpected things to happen (read.. I meet someone I want to spend my life with) but I am so excited about where the Lord has me at right now! I'm learning what it looks like to love well and walk in the reality of unexpected things!
Weekend Randoms
9 years ago