Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So I seriously keep thinking to myself that I need to blog and update this thing and I suppose today is the day! It's only been almost a month, it looks as though this will be a monthly update...

Well my trip to Minnesota for Labor day was amazing. I was able to spend some time with my best friend Emily which was so good! At one point someone asked us how we knew each other and we were able to share that fun story. See Emily and I have been friends since Kindergarten! We were friends all throughout elementary school. In 5th grade I think I spent more time at her lake house than I did at my own house. At the end of that year some things happened in my life that moved me to Florida. During my 10 years in Florida Emily and I kept in touch by means of written letters and random phone calls (this was pre e-mail and free cell phone long distance!). During that time I went up to Minnesota a few times and Em came to Florida a few times. Then when I transferred to Minnesota State University I moved in with her. Since then her family has become my family and I am truly grateful for each one of them! Over the past 17 years since I first moved to Florida Emily and I have gone through a lot! It has been amazing to see how God continues to use us in each others lives. I feel as though I am closer to her now than I have ever been! So all that said it was SO good to go and spend some time with her and her husband! Some of the highlights from the weekend were the State Fair, the Perry wedding and Julie's Baby shower!

Since being back I have really jumped into the new school year full force! I'm in my 3rd week of my internship which I am enjoying. I have been assigned a few cases and have attended a couple of meetings with coalitions in Tarrant County. One of my job responsibilities is to meet with directors of non-profits here in Tarrant County. It has been very interesting to hear about all the different organizations that are here. The office is also giving me lots of opportunities. Next week they are paying for me to go to a eating disorder symposium and will pay my way if there are other things I want to go to in the future. Also I get the opportunity to go to a benefit dinner next week. I have really been enjoying it!

Other than that not to much is new. I've become that girl who goes to bed early to get up early! I have been working out each morning before class which has been so good! I usually get up at 4:30 and read/journal for an hourish and then go to school where I run (yes I've been running also...who am I?!?!) to the gym where I work out for about an hour and half then run back to school and clean up and go to class at 8. Even though I am getting up so early working out has given me so much more energy! (And I usually get a Diet Coke from Sonic before I go to the office). So anyhow that is my life right now. I will try to update more often so that these are not so long! And it won't be a monthly update...

1 comment:

Les said...

Wow, Jen! It sounds like you are doing really well. I'm glad your internship is such a good fit for you.
Up at 4:30? Running? I'm impressed! I can barely crawl out of bed at 7:30 and if I'm running...there is probably something chasing me!!