Sunday, November 4, 2007

Willie and Friends...

Yes I know it has been awhile since I've been on here. I must admit that the last few weeks have been crazy in my life. Things are on the up and up and I have realized one thing, I am truely blessed by the people in my life. These last few weeks/months have been hard and it's been amazing to see how my friends have rallied around me. It has been so good to see people whom I love and spend time just being with them. Here are a few of the highlights from the past few weeks...
A few weeks back my roommate and I ventured our way over to Little Rock. She was going to record with Sean Michel (You may remember him from American Idol this past season). And I was excited to spend a little time with Les and Jonathon (my sister in spirit and her husband) We really didn't do much, but it was so good to just be with people so dear to my heart. It was a fun weekend. Arianne and I laughed a lot with (and often times at) Sean. We had some good conservations and it was just all around a good weekend.

Every Tuesday night we have girls night in Mansfield. This is always a highlight of my week. We go to On the Border and order margaritas and appitizers. It is our time for the 6 of us (my roommates plus Sarah and Theresa) to catch up and to laugh and to enjoy our time together. We often go back to Sarah and Theresa's and hang out. It is always such a sweet time.

Last weekend my dear friend Melissa came down to visit. It was my first visitor from home and it was so good to see her. While she was here we went to go see Willie Nelson and Pat Green (and a bunch of others) in concert. I now offically feel like I am a Texan. There was about 11 of us who went, we sat on the lawn, played games and listened to good (and some not so good) music. It was a fun day and night!

So those are a few of the fun things going on in my life. Novemeber is going to fly by. I have a LOT of stuff due in the next few weeks. So a majority of my time will be spent writing papers and putting together presentations. I look forward to this semester being over. After my last final I am planning on getting into my Jeep and heading north. I'm coming home for a month. I will hopfully be up in Minnesota by December 14th. I'm looking forward to spending time with so many people dear to my heart. I'm sad to be leaving my roomies and friends down here but I'm so excited about being back in Minnesota!

SO that's my update... I'm gonna try to be on here more often.

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