Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My Monday morning was CRAZY! Let me walk you through it, 9:00 Spanish Mid-term, 10:00 turn in English paper, 11:00 turn in History paper and take a quiz over FDR's Folly (which I did not read... 20 questions, I guessed on 20 of them!), 12:00 go to the office and put final touches on grant and HAND IT IN!!! It was such a busy morning but so good to have it all done. I had a crazy couple of days leading up to Monday also as I was trying to prepare for the crazy day. I feel like I need a break from spring break! It felt so good to check these things off my list though!!
I must say that I am SUPER excited about having the grant turned in and even more excited to hear back from board. We should know unofficially April 8th if we got it or not. I continued to get more and more excited about it as I was writing but I was trying not to in case we don't get it. I think it's going to be a great program though and my supervisor does also!

I am realizing more and more how much I love working with teens and young adults. The oldest daughter of the family I nanny for Alisha has had some hard things going on in the past couple of weeks, a friend of hers was cutting, another friend is pregnant (she is only 14), and then last week she lost a friend of hers unexpectedly. All of these things have really opened up our relationship and I have been able to walk through some of this with her. She reminds me A LOT of myself when I was 14 and it's neat to be able to be to her what a woman dear to my heart was to me at that age! It just continues to confirm to me that I am doing the right thing by getting my Masters in order that I will have the skills to do what I love!

Ok, so I'm exhausted and going to bed. I wanted to include a picture of my new dishes though! I'm super excited about them!

1 comment:

EWH said...


See you in 8 days!