Monday, March 16, 2009

The last month...

Ok so it has officially been a month since I last wrote on here. It has been a crazy month, but some very exciting things are happening! So here is the update...

I have decided that Mondays are going to be my official day to blog so if a Monday goes by and I haven't blogged yell at me!

Well in February I flew out to Kansas City to surprise a dear dear friend of mine for her birthday. Natalie is a friend from MSU who has become so dear to my heart over the years. I had realized that it had been over a year and a half since we've really had time to just sit with each other and catch up. I worked with her husband Bob to plan the surprise, and it was AMAZING. I flew in early and got to have coffee with Melissa, one of my old residents from Heartlight and then I drove to Bob and Nat's apt. It was such a sweet weekend to my heart. It is amazing how the Lord continues to use these people I love in my life!

The next big thing is that I moved out of my house I was living in. I know that it was the best decision, it was just a bit sudden! I am currently staying with a friend of mine while I look for my new apartment. I'm so excited about living by myself! I'm excited about this new stage of life! I'm excited to find new stuff and decorate my new apt (I just bought new dishes this past weekend!)

I said earlier that my life has been crazy busy, and the reason for that is an amazing opportunity I have been given. My supervisor at my internship came to me a few weeks ago to tell me about an opportunity she had been presented to develop a Summer Youth Employment program for disadvantaged youth. She knows this is the age group I want to work with and asked me if I would want to develop this project. If we get the grant she is going to hire me on for the summer to run the program! Of course I said YES! So I have been developing this program and am currently writing the grant proposal. I'm getting more and more excited about the program and pray that we get the grant! I will be ok if I never have to write another grant in my life though!

I think that is all for now. All the major things anyhow! I'll be back next Monday at the latest to fill ya'll in on anything I forgot!

1 comment:

EWH said...

I do believe it is TUESDAY.....

(Like I should talk...I haven't blogged in about a month :-))