Friday, September 25, 2009

Where I am from...

For one of my classes we had to write a poem about where we are from, I thought I would share mine!

Where I am from…

I am from the trailer park,
Living week to week,
Waiting for the welfare check.
Living with my brother and father,
While my mother remarried
Making my uncle my step-father!

I am from a home where everyday was filled with love…
Until one day, I believe I was 10
And things began to change
The fridge began to fill with beer
And my brother and I began to live in fear
My brother was the first to go
And I soon too followed

We moved in with the mother we barely knew
Now I must say I am from the other side
Living purchase to purchase
My love trying to be bought
Feeling lonely and sad

My brother followed in the family foot steps
Became an addict and completely withdrew
One would expect that I too would become an addict
But instead I fell in love with my Savior
And O what a different path I have taken
I love to look back and see and remember…
Where I am from!

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