Monday, July 26, 2010

Thankful for TODAY 7.26.10

1) Being able to get into the doctor and get the medications that I need! (I hope that tomorrow I can be thankful for the fact that the medications are working).

2) Sonic Diet Coke with white coconut

3) Amazing friends that I can spend the weekend with as together we grow closer to the Lord!

4) Mirage Paper Co. and their jumbo journals, so much of my life is written in the pages of these journals

5) Emily Waterston Heinis! Today my best friend whom I have known since the 1st grade turns 29. I can not even begin to express how thankful I am for her friendship! She is my family and I love her dearly! Happy Birthday Em!

1 comment:

EWH said...

Yup, now I'm old like you! Just kidding! Thanks and I love you, too! For my birthday, I would like a Diet Coke with White Coconut from Sonic!!!! (Way to put a craving in a pregnant lady's head!)

Big hugs, xoxo