So I'm sitting here on Em's couch feeling sick and thought that I would do this meme that she tagged me in.
1. Will you be looking for a new job? I am debating this, if I am I won't really be looking I will just be applying and getting a job (as a probation officer), I may pick up a part time job. I'm really not sure yet what I want to do, depends on what scholarships I get
2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? Yes!
3. New house? No I don't think so. I L-O-V-E the house I am in!
4. What will you do differently in 09? I'm not really sure, maybe workout more and eat better!
5. New Years resolution? I usually don't make new year resolutions, but I would say to workout more and eat better
6. What will you not be doing in 09? Not really sure, whenever I say I will not do something I tend to do it.
7. Any trips planned? The first being a trip to PA to go skiing with my amazing Heartlight Friends. I'm hoping to get out of the country at some point but not sure where to yet. I'm sure that Minnesota will be in there sometime. Also I am planning a road trip to Florida to visit my brother.
8. Wedding plans? Not of my own, but who knows there are 365 days in 2009.
9. Major thing on your calendar? Right now only the trip to PA which really is not on the calender because dates have not been set. Also wedding of my roommates (also dates yet to be set). So far that is all I know of so far.
10. What can’t you wait for? The things I 'm hoping will happen in '09
11. What would you like to see happen differently? I'm not sure about this one...
12. What about yourself will you be changing? I'm with Em on this one...My waistline, I hope :-).
13. What happened in 08 that you didn’t think would ever happen? I went to Thailand twice!
14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I really try to be nice to people I care about all the time. Sometimes when in a bad mood I can take it out on those I care about, I will work on that!
15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 08? Hopefully just smaller sizes!
16. Will you start or quit drinking? No, I currently drink and I don't think I will be giving up it up this year
17. Will you better your relationship with your family? With my brother I hope. I do hope that through this hard time in his life that we can better our relationship
18. Will you do charity work? Yes. I feel as though my job is charity work sometime, but I do plan on volunteering much more this year also.
19. Will you go to bars? I do feel as though I will be at a bar at some point in '09
20. Will you be nice to people you don’t know? I think I am really nice to people I don't know, I tend to really like people and believe that everyone should be loved
21. Do you expect 09 to be a good year for you? I hope so, '08 was a good year and I'm excited to see what '09 will bring.
22. How much did you change from this time last year till now? I hope that I love a little better and have learned much about love.
23. Do you plan on having a child? Not unless I fall in love and get married in the next 2 months!
24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? Yes! I have amazing friends and I'm so blessed to call them my friends. I am looking forward to making even more this year!
25. Major lifestyle changes? Working out more, eating better, and possibly beginning a new job
26. Will you move? Probably not, but you never know.
27. What will you make sure doesn’t happen in 09 that happened in 08? I don't know, I nothing in my control happened that I could change for next year.
28. What are your New Years Eve plans? I don't have any yet (yes I know that it is only 2 days away)
30. One wish for 09? Don't they say if you tell what you wish for it won't happen?!?! I am NOT telling, just in case!!
Wow I can not believe that 2008 is almost over! I wish you all a very happy new year!!
Weekend Randoms
9 years ago
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