Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday = Monday

As it has been pointed out I have missed a couple of Mondays. So here I sit on Thursday trying to make up for that. I am "working" from home today due to my Jeep being in the shop. My Jeep has been leaking anti-freeze and yesterday it over heated. Kelly (my boss) looked at it and thought it was the Head Gasket which totally stressed me out all day yesterday! But I just got the call and it's just the heater valve....Phew!!

So I have been a live in Nanny for almost a week now! My second day in the oldest girl (14) "ran away" in the middle of the night. She came back that night and is safe. I spent a good majority of Sunday talking to her. My Heartlight days are coming in handy! Other than that it's been good. It has been a good transition.

I have 2 weeks left of undergrad! The last day of class is May 8th and I graduate on May 15th. It doesn't really feel like I'm done though. My goal in going back to school was to get my Masters and I'm not there yet so I don't feel like it's that big of a deal. But I have a MAJOR case of senioritis!! I will be glad to be done with these silly general ed classes I have had to take.

The Youth Summer Employment Program (YESP) officially starts May 1, 2009! I will transition into that position that first week of May as I finish up my internship hours and begin that program. I am SO very excited about it! I'm excited to be working alongside a good friend of mine and doing something that I have a passion for!

That's all for now... I'm sure I have more to say but I really should get back to work! I will try not to miss another Monday!

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