Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 10.2.11

1) This week has been a a roller coaster of a week for my emotions!  But in the midst of it I have realized how thankful I am that I have a Savior that calls me His daughter!  I am so thankful that in the midst of hard times I have a comforter.

2) For the sweet memories I have with my dear friend April who went home to be with the LORD Friday morning.  She was such an encouragement in my life and I will forever hold the truth that she has spoken into my life dear to my heart.  

3) Theresa Butler Mellard!  I was able to go and spend the weekend with this dear friend. She opened her home to me and I was able to take refuge there! It was so good to be with people I love.  We spent hours talking about what God is doing and how He is at work.  We talked about how we are struggling and hard life is.  In that hardness I am so thankful that I have friends such as Theresa whom I can walk through life with. I love how God continues to bring people in my life who love me well!

4) The reminder that I truly need to be thankful for today and love those people around me well!

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