Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.22.11

1) Having small feet! I realized today that I think I would go broke if I could fit into normal size shoes! It is so rare that I find cute shoes that fit my size 2 feet that when I find them, I buy them. Over the years I have learned to walk in shoes that are slightly too big on me (maybe I haven't totally learned cause I trip a lot!) But I love when I get to wear a special find of mine! Today I wore my red Anne Kline heels to work and got so many compliments on them. I think God knew what he was doing when He gave me small feet.... otherwise I would be broke and would need a whole other show closet!

2) The clearance rack at Target! Today my outfit consisted of a cute white sundress and red cardigan (which matched the Anne Kline shoes perfectly!), both of which were found last night on the 50% clearance rack at Target! You never know what kind of treasure you are going to find on those racks!

3) In less then 24 hours I will be Sugarland, Texas with three amazing girls (and one said girls parents... who are also amazing!). Around noon tomorrow Kati, Erin, Batey and I will load into Erin's car and hit the road for our annual trip to go visit Kati's parents! I am so thankful for these amazing friends and this trip I know is going to be great. We will be hitting up the beach, eating great food and just relaxing for a couple of days before heading back to Fort Worth on Saturday.

4) Hanging with Friends (the Iphone app!) This app along with an amazing component (Theresa) allows me much needed breaks while at work! If you don't know what Hanging with Friends is think old school Hangman only much cooler! If you have it you should invite me to play with you (name is oogajen)

5) Today I am overly thankful that I serve a God who is sovereign! A God who has a bigger and better plan for me then I could ever imagine. I love that I know He knows exactly what is going on in my life when I am clueless! I love that He has everything under control when I don't know how things are going to work out! I love that He knows what my heart needs and when I need it! I love that even in the midst of unknown I can still sit and rest in His sovereignty and know He is good. So as I wait for phone calls about my future, and dream about the perfect job, and as I pray about the desires of my heart I feel the stirring within my soul and hear the sweet voice of the Lord, and I know... He's got this....

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