Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.27.11

1) Sun-dried Tomato Cream Cheese from Yogi's! This is just about the best cream cheese I have ever had. I bought me some bagels to work today and stopped at Yogi's to get some cream cheese and I think I hit the JACKPOT! I left it at work so I have something to look forward to as I stroll into the office... I will be enjoying my morning bagel each day this week!

2) Getting my very own office at work! I have been promoted twice now in the past 6 months, the first time I got a computer upgrade and therefore a permanent docking station. Today I got my own office. I feel like I'm pretty big news now, I've got my own office and my own key to that said office that has my name engraved on it (I think they did that so I felt like I had to stay forever... I wonder if they will make new keys when I leave or just leave the keys as my legacy at MCOT?!?!) Tomorrow I make the move, it will be nice to have a place to put all my stuff and feel "official"!

3) Those funny-looking silver things you put in your windshield to keep the sun out! I have recently found mine and used them today for the first time. It is crazy how much they help to keep my car cool. Yesterday as I got into my car I burnt myself on my seat belt and could barely touch the steering wheel because it was so hot. I know that these are natural hazards living in Texas, but seriously the person who invented those silver things was a GENIUS!

4) Ceiling fans! Once upon a time I was very afraid of ceiling fans, so much so that I would sleep in the closet when I spent the night at a friend's house if they had a ceiling fan! I had a fear they
were going to fall down and cut me into a million pieces. Now I know that was silly and I will not tell you how old I was when I had those fears (I was old enough that I should not have had that fear!). But now-a-days I find it hard to sleep if there is not a fan on, I am so thankful for a fan in my bedroom and fear the day I have to move to a place where there is no fan in my bedroom! And I long to be back in my room in Thailand where the only cooling factor was the fan.... SIGH....

5) NATALIE SCHALLER and the sweet time I was able to talk with her on the phone. Natalie is one of my very dearest and best friends. We went to undergrad together and eventually were roommates before she got married. Her and her husband are like family to me!

With both of us living such crazy lives right now it is rare that we catch each other on the phone. It was so sweet to catch up with her and just to hear her voice. It always brings such joy to my heart to talk to her. I love how God continues to allow us to walk through life together even though we do not live in the same place! It was so sweet to catch up with her! I love and miss that girl and am
SO THANKFUL for her friendship and sisterhood!


Les said...

Your own office?! Jen! You ARE big news! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I have always known...... Your kind of a big deal!!! Love ya Jenly. Let's hang out soon - this is theresa