Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.26.11

1) Yet another amazing annual trip to Sugarland, TX! Kati, Erin, Batey and I loaded
in the car and headed south on Thursday afternoon!
We stopped in Waco to say Hi
to the Bears, got caught in the rain and stuck behind TWO accidents. It took us over 7 hour to get there, but it was a fun car ride!

We had a great supper and worked on pillowcases for the campers at a camp that
Batey works at every year and then we went to bed.
We got up the next morning ready for the beach! We spent the day laying out at Galveston beach. When we left I got a little taste of home when we stopped at Rita's. If you have never been to Rita's, you really should try to find one near you! It's amazing!
They have fresh Italian ice in multiple flavors and also frozen custard. My favorite is the Gelati that has both custard and ice! I got strawberry lemonade and mango ice with vanilla custard!It was such a great ending to our time at the beach. When we got back to Kati's parents house they had ourte meal all ready for us. We ate and then watched a movie (The Proposal, I love me some Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds!) It was truly an amazing weekend! I can't wait to do it all again next year!

2) The beach. I spent many of my growing up years on the beach. In high school once that final bell rang (and to honest... a lot of times before it did) I would jump in my car and head to the beach. I kept a swimsuit and a beach towel in my car and I was ready to go. I have so many good memories from that beach, it was my get-away. I would often go and just listen to the waves crash and think about how big and powerful God is. I was able to do that again this weekend. I laid there on my beach towel and just listened. The waves were crashing, the birds were squawking and people were playing andI just was still. It was such a sweet time!

3) Sweet Tea! Nothing says summer like a good ol' sweet tea!

4) Time spent with friends!

5) A good book! I spent much of my time this weekend reading. I love to read, I always have! I love how the words on a page can take you to a different land and you can dive into the world. I love how a book can allow you to see and experience new things. I just love to read, I am thankful for all the good books that are out there for me to read, and I am thankful to now have time to read for fun again!

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