Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 10.23.11

*These will actually be the thankful for... the weekend!*

1) Camping!  This weekend I traveled up to Beaver's Bend State Park in Oklahoma with some dear friends.  We got into the park about 11:30 Friday night and set up camp.  I just love being out in the midst of creation.  I laid on my back that night after we said good night and I just stared at the stars through the top of the tent.  I laid there praying for the rest of the weekend!

2) God's beauty!  I was amazing over and over again on Saturday of God's beauty in His creation!  I woke up early and went on a walk with Theresa along the riverbed.  There was steam coming off of the water and the view was amazing! Later that day two of us went for a hike, we took our time and stopped at a few places to rest and enjoy the scene.  We finally stopped and laid on a rock overlooking the river.  We sat there for awhile, talking about what God was doing in our lives and enjoying the beauty!

3) Cabin's in Beaver's Bend! One of the friends I was with had family in the same area.  They had rented a cabin so we went and ate supper with them Saturday night.  It was so fun to meet this family!  I love meeting the families of my friends and being able to learn more about that friend.  It was fun to go there and ended up being such a blessing because of....

4) Thunder storms!  I love, love, love thunderstorms!  They are such a picture of who God is in my eyes.  They are so powerful and yet somehow calming.  We got news that a storm was about to come in and so my friend's sister graciously offered for us to stay at the cabin.  We went back and tore down camp and go back just as it started to rain.  We all put our sleeping bags out on the back patio and watched the storm for the next few hours.  It was the most amazing lighting storm and then the thunder rolled in and the skies opened and rain just poured down!  We all slept out there on that patio as the storm brewed around us.  It was such an AMAZING night! 

So again.... SO THANKFUL for the cabin and for my friend's sister who let us stay!  I don't think the tent would have survived!  

5) Family meals!  This morning I got up and made everyone breakfast.  I made french toast, bacon and eggs.  I love being able to cook for large groups of people and to be able to all sit down and eat together!  

6) AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING  friends!  It was so good to get away this weekend and spend time with good friends!  It was nice to be able to speak truth to one another and just have fun!  

I am thankful for another great weekend!  Here is a picture of us before the rain started!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 10.16.11

What an AMAZING weekend!  I have been able to spend the last two days with some people I absolutely love and adore.  I sat with one of those friends this evening and we laughed and cried as we talked about what God has done and continues to do in our lives.  We laughed at the fact that it is next to a miracle that we are still friends.  We have done things to one another in the journey of our friendship that has wounded the other to the depths of our beings.  And yet tonight I sat with her and we thanked God for the redemption that He has done in our lives separately and in our friendships.  We spoke this evening about how so often we are walking through life experiencing the same peaks and valleys and how God draws us near to one another in those times.  

Earlier today I stood around a kitchen island with three of my dear friends.  We talked about how when the four of us come together God moves!  We stood around that island, tears streaming down our cheeks because we are each struggling in our own way and yet God spoke to each of us individually and allowed us to walk though those things together.  We talked about how God was moving and how we have to choose to walk in that movement.  I love that these women KNOW me, they know my struggles and they know my heart and I know these things of them.  I love how God has called us to walk through life together!

This morning I sat on the bed, eyes closed, head bowed and crying out to the Lord with these same friends.  We had gotten less then 4 hours of sleep and were so tired, and yet it was so refreshing to sit at the feet of the Lord with these women petitioning for truth to surround our lives on this day and the days to come.  We sat there in our brokenness believing that God is our healer and redeemer.  We sat there and rejoiced about what God has done in our lives!

Last night myself and 6 dear friends attended a banquet for a ministry that has dramatically changed the lives of two of those friends.  It was amazing to hear story after story of how God was redeeming people for His glory.  It was so sweet for my heart to be surrounded by people at that table who love the Lord and out of that love, love me well.  It was amazing to be in a room filled with 450 people, most of whom knew the depths of struggle and who were broken at the feet of Jesus.  It was sweet to feel the love in that room!  We ended our night at an amazing venue in Dallas  The Library Bar.  There is an amazing woman who sings there and it was such an fun place (Dallas got a few more cool points in my book!)  It was so good to just be with these sweet friends of mine.  To laugh and to enjoy each others company!  It was such a good night!

I am SO thankful  for these 3 women in my life.  Two of them currently live in Oklahoma and tears were shed as I said good-bye to them today.  I love how God works in our lives and it was SO encouraging to spend time with these sweet women I call my sisters!  So today I am thankful for these women and the true and authentic friendships I have with each of them!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 10.11.11

1) Sweaters, I checked the weather this morning as I was getting ready and it said it was 59 degrees outside.  I figured I would wear a sweater to work.  Well by 10:30 it was mid 80's and I was hot!  I was very glad for the fact that my office is always cold!  I am more and more excited for sweater weather!

2) Pintrest!  I love it more and more.  I found a great idea for a gift for a friend of mine.  I will post pictures after this weekend when I give it to her.  But I love how it inspires creativity in me!

3) My job, I have been reminded lately how blessed I am in my job.  I have really enjoyed this transition into being a supervisor and really enjoy it.  I love how my gifts and talents are being used in this position. I have had some long days already this week but it's been good.  I am having an open house tomorrow and have had a lot of things to do to prepare.  But I think it will be good!

4) Hot Apple Cider K-Cups!  Remember how I said my office is always cold... well these new K-cups offer a great way to warm me up!  I keep them hidden in my desk drawer and it's such a good treat for me!

5) What Women Fear by Angie Smith and AMAZING book!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 10.4.11

I think more than anything in the past couple of days I have really been reminded to truly be thankful for everyday.  The reality that we are not promised tomorrow has become very real to me.  These last few days have been hard, but in the midst of the hardness I have seen glimpses of how great God is. I know that God is sovereign and I praise Him for knowing those things I do not understand.  I will continue to be aware of those sweet gifts in my life I am thankful for...

1) A job that I love.  I am so blessed to have a job that I love.  I have transitioned into my new position and have enjoyed being a supervisor.  I hope that I am able to encourage and challenge my staff to be the best they can be.  I really enjoy being able to guide my staff and be able to assist them as they help people in crisis. 

2) Bubble Bath!  After a long day, there is nothing better to me than taking a hot bubble bath to relax

3) Restored friendships.  This week I have been very blessed by a friendship that I once thought would never be restored.  It's amazing how God can heal hearts.  I praise God for grace and forgiveness!

4) Colder weather!  I am so excited for fall!

5) TOMS.  I sprained my ankle a month ago and it is still not healed completely.  It hurts daily and I am not able to do much on it.  I attempted to wear heels last week and made it all the way to my car before having to change shoes.  I have been wearing my TOMS and am totally in love with them.  I think I may another pair (or two or three!)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 10.2.11

1) This week has been a a roller coaster of a week for my emotions!  But in the midst of it I have realized how thankful I am that I have a Savior that calls me His daughter!  I am so thankful that in the midst of hard times I have a comforter.

2) For the sweet memories I have with my dear friend April who went home to be with the LORD Friday morning.  She was such an encouragement in my life and I will forever hold the truth that she has spoken into my life dear to my heart.  

3) Theresa Butler Mellard!  I was able to go and spend the weekend with this dear friend. She opened her home to me and I was able to take refuge there! It was so good to be with people I love.  We spent hours talking about what God is doing and how He is at work.  We talked about how we are struggling and hard life is.  In that hardness I am so thankful that I have friends such as Theresa whom I can walk through life with. I love how God continues to bring people in my life who love me well!

4) The reminder that I truly need to be thankful for today and love those people around me well!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 9.29.11

1) For technology!  I had a pretty amazing experience on Sunday where God really spoke through a pastor at a church I was visiting. While in Oklahoma visiting some friends I visited Antioch Norman.  The worship was amazing (as in bring me to my knees amazing) and the visiting pastor called my name out of the pulpit and had a word from God for me.  It was such a sweet and emotional service!  I heard what God needed me to hear that morning.  I love technology in that today I have gone back and listened to what the God had to say to me again and again.  If you want to listen  go here, he mentions me by name at about 13:15

2) For the love of arts and crafts!  I spent some time at Hobby Lobby today getting fun stuff for some gifts for a bridal shower we are throwing for my dear friend Sarah.  I'm so excited about what we are making.  I will post pictures after October 15th.  I love being able to be crafty and create something beautiflu!

3) I know I have said it before but I L-O-V-E when I can find cute shoes in my size!  Here are my newest find!  I saw these at ROSS, they did not have a pricetag or the price written on the bottom.  I was worried they would be too much because they are Fossil.  The lady told me they would be $26... I told her SOLD!  I was at another ROSS later (I often frequent multiple when I'm looking for something!) and saw the same boots with a pricetag $49.99!  I goggled them when I got home $149!  I got a DEAL!  

4) My bed!  I have been sick the last few days and have spent much time in bed!  I am thankful for a comfy bed with comfy covers and a dog who likes to cuddle with me!  It helps to make feeling miserable a little bit better!

5) Good conservations with old friends.  I have had a few good conservations with an old friend in the past week.  You know someone is a good friend when they can tell you the things you don't want to hear because they know you need to hear it.  I love what God is doing in my life and am amazed at how He is working in the lives of those around me.  I am seeing prayers answered in my life and the lives of those I have been praying for!   I love watching Him at work! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thankful for friends!

I got on today to write my Thankful for TODAY but really am just so overwhelmed with my thankfulness I have for my amazing friends.  The last few days and weeks have been blessed with sweet friends.  I was laying here thinking about all the amazing people that the Lord has brought into my life and know that those people are there for a reason.  So today I am thankful for friends.  I'm thankful for friends who live far away and yet still love me.  My heart flutters a bit when I hear Sweet Home Alabama come out of my phone because I know it is a dear friend from Minnesota!  I am thankful for the random calls (and sorry to all those I have not returned calls to... it's been a rough few weeks!).  I am thankful for being able to spend time over a meal catching up with friends whom I haven't seen in a few weeks!  I love being able to laugh and joke about life and talk about what God is doing.  I'm thankful for friends who help me to seek the Lord!  I am thankful for friends I have known my entire life and who I can pick right back up with after not seeing each other for months (but will see this weekend)! I am thankful for restored friendships!  I am thankful for the friend who spoke hard truth into my life last week when I really didn't want to hear it!  I am thankful for girls who I can be real with, fallen on my knees crying out and who choose to walk through it with me.  I am thankful for the friends who tell me (and show me) that I am worthy! I am thankful for friends who speak my love language to me.  I am thankful for the friends who open their arms to me.  I am thankful for the friends who pursue my heart. I am thankful for the friends who pray for me! I am just thankful to be able to call so many amazing people my  friends!  Thank you so much for living life with me and loving me well!

One of the above mentioned amazing friends sent me a text today that was so sweet to my heart!  This is one of the many reasons why I am thankful for her friendship...

"Jen sought the Lord, and He answered her and delivered her from all her fears.  She looked at Him and she was radiant, and her face shall never be ashamed.  Jen cried and the Lord heard her and saved her out of her troubles.  The angel of the Lord goes with her, encamps her as she respects the Heavenly Father! ~Psalm 34-4-7; adapted a bit ;-)"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

45 days later....

Well it's been awhile, 45 days infact since I last wrote.  Life has been CRAZY!  But in the midst of that has been really good.  I'll give y'all some of the highs and lows of the last 45 days...
HIGH: August 5th was my first day "offically" in my new position at work.  I even have a name plate outside my door  Jennifer Smith, LMSW MCOT Team Leader  It's been a good transition.  I have been learning more and more about what type of supervisor I desire to be (and not to be).  I've really enjoyed having a team and running the program! LOW: Within my first two weeks I had to fire someone, welcome to the world of being a supervisor!

HIGH: I was able to spend a long weekend in Minnesota with my best friend Emily and her family.  I was able to meet my sweet little Olivia and just had a great relaxing time with people so dear to my heart! We spent time at the house playing, went on a boat ride down the Mississippi and went to a Twins game! LOW: I sprained my ankle the day before I left for Minnesota.  I had to keep my foot wrapped and was on pain meds the entire time I was in Minnesota.

HIGH: The book THE HELP, I spent a good amount of time on my trip to Minnesota reading and read the book THE HELP.  It was such a good book.  I have always enjoyed reading and sadly have not had much time over the past few years to read for fun.  This was a great book!  I highly recommend it! LOW: The fact that you just cannot put all the information of a book into a movie.  The day I finished the book I went and saw the movie THE HELP.  It was a good movie but there was so much good stuff left out!  

HIGH: The changing of seasons!  It is official... 2011 has been the hottest summer in the history of Texas!  We have had 70 days that have reached over 100 degrees!  I am so glad for cooler weather and long for fall to get here!  We have gotten glimpses of temps under 100 and I'm so excited for more!  LOW: With the changes in the weather and it being SO dry out, my allergies have kicked in high gear.  My eyes are watery and itchy and my throat has gone from scratchy to almost unbearable!  I have not been able to swallow with any amount of comfort for 4 days now!

HIGH:  It's Football Season!!!!  LOW: I can't think of a low about it being Football season!  :-)

So anyhow that is about it!  Not to much has gone on because I've been so busy at work.  Things are finally settling down and I am finding that I have more time which is great.  I have time to do fun things like read, take Daisy to the dog park and maybe even go on a date!   Hopefully you will hear from me again before another 45 days goes by...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 8.2.11

1) Cheap American Airlines tickets!

2) I get to go "HOME" in 31 days!

3) I get to see my best friend and her husband in 31 days!

4) I get to meet my sweet little Olivia in 31 days!

5) In 31 days I get to leave town and just relax for a few days with people I love!

Oh right this is suppose to be a blog about living in the here and now and what I am thankful for today....

I am just so excited to go to Minnesota in 31 short days.  I haven't been home in over a year and half and my soul longs for good ol' Minnesota time.  While today was a good day and there are many things to be thankful for, I will write about those another day because today my heart is overflowing with joy about going home!  Being in Minnesota typically brings me such peace and rest and I'm excited to have that after these last few months.  I am still praying that by that time I will be about two weeks into a new job (speaking of which, I got a call today that puts me one step closer to that!!) and I will be in need of a break. So today I am thankful for my roots!  I am thankful to call myself a Minnesotan and while I may never physically live in that state again a piece of my heart will always reside there!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lazy weekend...

I have had such a lazy weekend and it has been great!  It has been 7 days since I've worked (I was sick Tuesday & Wednesday and I had already planned on taking Thursday and Friday off), I spent the majority of those days in bed or just not really feeling well.  On Thursday my friend Melissa and her husband Ben stopped off in Fort Worth on their cross country move.  Thursday we went to the Twins game and sadly the Rangers won.  On Friday we had a lazy morning reading and drank warm drinks and then headed out to lunch.  As they left I headed back to the bed to continue to rest!  Then I packed up and got ready for Girl-a-palooza.  Kati, Erin & I headed out the lake where we spent the day floating on our rafts, eating Mexican food, watching the fireworks and just talking girl talk.  We headed back to Kati's from there and watched the all time chick flick... Dirty Dancing!  It was such a good day!

On my way home on Saturday I stopped off at Half-Priced Books and picked up two new reads.  I spent the afternoon reading until a friend called and took me to supper.  After a great supper I came back and picked up the book. I was reading gods in Alabama It was one of those I CAN'T PUT IT DOWN type of books and it was 1:57am when I turned the last page! This morning I got a text from a friend asking to meet for breakfast which was great.  The rest of the day was spent in bed reading Between, Georgia, napping and just being lazy.  It's been a great weekend.  I'm excited to get back to work tomorrow and see what the week holds.  

I know that through this blog I try to remind myself to live in the here and now, but there are some things about the future that I have been praying a lot about lately.... The possibility of a job that allows me to have the months of June, July and August off, and really what this next year and years to come are going to look like as many of the people I love are moving away and life is changing.  I am also looking for and planning trips to see some of the people I love and miss the most (namely Em and Les).  I'm excited about what God is going to do in the months/years to come, but to be totally honest I'm kinda scared about all that I don't know...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 7.26.11

1) Emily Waterston Heinis!  Today she joined us in the 30's club.  It's been a fun club to be a part of so far.  Emily and I have been friends for 25 years!  We played softball together as little kids.  We have lots of fun memories of times spent by the lake and our crazy antics as 10 year old girls.  Over there years we have stayed close friends and she has become more of a sister to me.  This year she had a cute little baby girl who will one day call me Aunt Jen.  I am so thankful for this sweet friendship!  I love you Em!

2) Having the ability to stay home from work and still get paid.  I woke up this morning and it felt as though I had been hit by a MAC truck, granted I have never really been hit by a MAC truck, but I am guessing that it would feel much like how I was feeling this morning.  My whole body just was achy and I had a pretty high fever. It felt as though I was going to fall apart, every movement I made cause me great pain... So I stayed home, stayed in bed most of the day and will hopefully wake up renewed tomorrow (I find this unlikely to happen since it's 11:12 pm and I still feel like poo)

3) Orange Juice.  When I was growing up my dad did not believe in taking medicine and therefore my brother and I never took any medicine.  I mean we got our shots as needed but when we got a cold or the flu he would not give us medicine, instead he would buy us some orange juice and tell us that would make us feel better. It always seemed to work... so this morning  what did I do?  I went and bought some Orange Juice!  And in the moment it really did make me feel better!  I have come to really appreciate how much vitamin C (and other vitamins) can make me feel so much better.  So today I am thankful for orange juice, even though I am not totally better, I will credit it for helping me get back to being 100%

4) The Internet!  Today between my numerous naps I had to fill the time somehow.  Remember how I said it hurt to move, well I tried to do as little as possible of that.  The Internet allowed me to continue to lay in bed, not move very much and still be entertained for hours.  I browsed though numerous websites, caught up on everyone lives via Facebook, looked up airfare for (near) future trip and even ordered Rangers Twins tickets for this Thursday night's game (more about that to come!).  The Internet has allowed me to stay connected to the world when it hurts too bad 

5) Yahweh (Self-Existent One), Elohim (Mighty, Strong, Prominent One), Adonai (Master)  and Rishon Va-Acharon (The First and the Last)!  I told you that I started a new Bible study Know God by Name, well these were the first 4 names I have learned about.  It has been such a good study so far.  I love learning more about God and what the Bible says about who He is.  It's amazing to look at all the different names He has and how they all mean something.  I am so thankful for Kati and Erin who continue to walk through life with me and am thankful that we can jump into this study together.  My goal is to never fall behind.  There is 7 weeks in the study and each week is broken up into 5 days.  My goal is to get all five done within the week and never to have to do more then one session in a day.  If I am able to do this, it will be a first....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

And breath....

These last two weeks have been so very busy!  I feel as though I have had little to no free time.  Today was the first time I got home from work while there was still day light out and it just seems as though time has once again slipped away from me. I spent some time tonight thinking about this time last summer and how crazy busy I was.  I was working 40+ hours a week, taking two classes and doing 23 hours a week at my internship... CRAZY!  As full as these last couple of weeks have been, it's been a good full, a good crazy.  I'm filling my time with things I enjoy and people I love.  I have worked almost a 100 hours in the last two weeks but I've also been able to so things that were fun (and some things that needed to be done) here is a recap of the last few weeks and a few of the highlights (and lowlights)....

* Spent time with sweet friends as we watched our beautiful friend Sarah try on wedding dresses for her big day on 11/11/11 followed by a day spent with those same sweet friends trying on bridesmaid dresses. Both dresses were found and purchased... you'll have to wait 3 1/2 months to see pictures though!
*I over 9 hours in the car with Sarah in one day as we made a day trip to Oklahoma to scout out potential wedding venues (which we were successful in finding!)
* I have spent some time at the pool with a new friend and her daughter.  I love new friends!  It's always fun to see who God brings into my life!
* Cried over not getting the job that I was so hopeful for
* Rejoiced when another position opened and I applied for it! Praying this is the reason the other ones did not work out.
* Did my laundry and realized that I have the same shirt in 16 different colors! It's the boyfriend pocket V-neck Tee from Target and I L-O-V-E them! Side note: I made a trip to target this evening to get some necessities (toilet paper if you must know) and saw that the new colors of the shirt are out.  There is a mustard yellow color that I loved.  I restrained, but I have a good feeling that I may soon have 17 (or 18 or 19) of the same shirt in different colors in the near future!
* I have stayed out way past my bedtime this week.  Last night Kati and I went to go see The Howell's (one of the bands that Kati's boyfriend is a member of) play at a bar nearby.  We stayed till the end (Again us roadies give up a lot for the band!).  Erin ended up joining us and it was such a fun time.  
* It has been record highs hot outside lately!  One of the many downsides to this fact is that it is so hot to let Daisy play outside for long.  She has been HYPER lately.  I took her outside tonight after dark and she ran and ran and ran!  I love summer but I am looking forward to Fall and cooler weather!
* Because I have been working crazy hours I don't get home in time to watch the all important TV shows.  I canceled my cable about 3 months ago because I rarely watched it and I figured I would save money BUT I forgot that So You Think You Can Dance comes on in the summer.  Well FOX has joined the bandwagon and started showing there shows online.  I love it, I can now catch up on SYTYCD and not miss the amazing routines!
* Many of my other hours have been spent browsing on my new favorite website I have and will continue to spend hours on this site finding new things!
*Tonight I started a new Bible study.  I think I'm gonna like it... I can tell you more about it later....

So that's about it.... my life over the last couple of weeks.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 7.9.11

1) Being able to spend the last two days with the beautiful bride-to-be Sarah!  We shopped till we dropped and had a great time along the way.  Sarah purchased her wedding dress and we got our bridesmaid dresses!  It was a very productive and successful couple of days.  But above that it was so sweet to just spend time with Sarah and the other maidens!  

2) My Iphone!  I do believe I (along with all my friends) would be lost without my Iphone.  Those who know me, know that I am a researcher (I think it's the social worker in me), I can usually find out information about whatever you are looking for.  Over the past couple of days I think we would have been lost without my Iphone and the power that it holds :-) But in all honesty I don't know how I functioned before the Iphone.  I know I did just fine, but I can't imagine my life without it now.

3) Bath and Body Works Aroma therapy Stress relief line.  Yesterday after a long day of shopping I took a hot bath infused with stress relief bath salts.  It was so nice! 

4) What has now become my Saturday night tradition of going to Roots.  I love being able to lounge in one of the brown leather chairs and read, journal or just sit and people watch.  I love that the barista (whom I secretly want to be BFF with) knows what I want even before I begin to order.  I love seeing so many different people form different walks of life come and go and I love (usually) listening to the live music they have on Saturday nights.  I really look forward to my time at Roots on Saturday nights!

5) My journal.... I really don't know what my life would be like if I couldn't journal.  This is such a sweet thing for me.  I can sit down armed with my journal and a pen and it's as though the world stops to allow me to write down bits and pieces of my life.  I love how my pen takes control and sometimes I didn't even know that I was feeling a certain way until my pen scrolls it across the paper.  I love how freeing and healing journaling can be for me.  And I love having a record to go back and see where I was at, where I am, what I have learned and what I continue to stumble and struggle with.  My closet is lined with these spiral bound books that spell out the life and stories of Jen's Journeys....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 7.7.11

1) My job.  Today I was thinking back on Fall two years ago when I was unemployed and didn't know what I was going to do.  I have been at my job for almost 18 months now and I know that for this season it is where I was suppose to be.  I really do enjoy what I do and when it is my time to go (which an insider tip told me may be sooner than later!!!!!!) I will be very sad.  I am so thankful that I continue to find favor wherever the Lord places me.

2) Mexican food!  Today for lunch we went to Uncle Julio's and it was so good!  SIDE NOTE:  I'm finding that I am often thankful for food on here!  What can I say?!?! Sometimes the meals are the most important part of my day!

3) Pandora Radio.  This has become my new favorite thing in the world.  Now that I have my own office, it can get so quiet!  I have become a big fan of pandora radio.  Last month I ran out of my free listening hours and had to pay but it was so worth it.  I thought the options they give are very fun though.  They say you can listen to 40 hours of music a month and after those 40 hours you can pay $1 to listen unlimited amounts of music for the rest of that month  OR you can pay $36 and listen to unlimited music all the time for a year. You do the math... I think I'll just pay the extra $1 each month I need more listening time!

4) Kate's Summer Mix!  My friend Kati, who now wants me to call her Kate (It's like in 4th grade when I started making everyone calling me Jen-I!) made me a mixed CD for the summer.  It has truly brought me joy whenever I am listening to it.  It has become  the soundtrack of Summer 2011

5) Being able to have time in the mornings to just sit (or lay in most cases) and just be still.  I love that with my job I don't typically need to rush to get to work at a certain time (because I will no doubt stay much past 5:00 as evidenced last night when when I rolled into my apt at 10:30).  I love that  I can just be still in the mornings, I can pray, I can journal, I can drink a cup of Chai  made with my Keurig (which I am LOVING), and I can just not be rushed.  It was been such a sweet blessing to start my days like this!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 7.2.11

1) Being able to sleep in! I woke up at 7:30 this morning and took Daisy out and then jumped back into bed and didn't get out of bed till 11:47 when I put on my swimsuit and headed to the pool... Oh how I love Saturdays!

2) Floaties! Kati and I spent hours laying on our floaties in the pool soaking in the sun today. I love the pool but it is so HOT that I can only lay out for about 2.5 minutes before I need to get into the water! With my floatie I am constantly in the water, but slightly above the water also! It is the most amazing thing! You can lay out and never get too hot because you are in the water! It was great!
3) A good hat! Sometimes the hair is out of control and I just don't want to deal with it and need a good cover up... today I found a great one while out shopping!

4) Cute shoes in a size 5! Ok I think it is physically impossible for me to not buy a cute pair of shoes if they come in a size five. I saw these ones today and they caught my eye cause they were so small I was hoping to see the sweet # 5 on the bottom... and I did! I slipped them onto my feet and they fit amazingly! I stood there debating with myself if I really needed them and if I could afford them. I decided to put them down and walk away fast. I didn't get very far though... it was as though there was some magical force that was pulling me back to that store. I decided I would eat bread and water for the next week and purchased the shoes! Aren't they cute?!?!

5) The sweet (and yet totally crazy at times) story that the Lord has given me. I spent a large part of the day with my friend Kati. We spent hours on our floaties and then met up at Roots (It's becoming my Saturday night tradition!). Throughout the day I found myself telling Kati stories about my life that she did not know... That I dated Al Capone's great nephew, that I was poisoned in college, that size 5 shoes have a special power over me and so much more. I was reminded today of how much God has done in my life and how many crazy stories I have. I truly think I should write a book. I love how God continues to write my story!

The life of a roadie....

I am bypassing my Thankful for Today because the majority of the things on the list today happened all within the same context. So instead I am going to give you a glimpse into the life of a roadie!

My dear friend Kati has a boyfriend.... and her boyfriend plays in a band (well really multiple bands, but that's beside the point!) In the last three days I have seen him play twice! Apparently that makes me a roadie! It has been super fun, but tonight was just simply a great night.

Kati and I trekked over to Dallas this evening and met up with The Band at Lockharts (an amazing BBQ joint I might add!). We found the prime table and took our seats waiting for the show to start. Behind us we hear "Are you wearing a Yankee shirt?" (a older man had just walked in wearing jeans, a Yankees t-shirt and suspenders) "What are you wearing? Can you believe what he is wearing" and then in a softer tone..."Are ya'll with the band?" and we turned around (first mistake...) we answered "Yes we are!" (engaging in conservation, mistake #2...), We have now instantly made a new "friend" for the night with the women behind us. We find out that she is from Fort Worth and at this point I am positive she is a client at where I work...She wants to know if the band is any good... Which the answer to that is Yes! She then disappears for a bit and the bartender comes over to drop off two CANS of Lonestar beer. We politely say they must be for another table and the bartender says no the lady behind you bought them for you. Neither of us really drink beer so we tell them no thanks!

Well anyhow the show was amazing! Our friend continued to heckle the band and making song requests that they did not know and got upset when they wouldn't play the Winnie the Pooh song. While Kati and I stood in line to order our food (did I mention the food was amazing?!?) she said that it was great that we were roadies for the band but it must be hard because as roadies we must really sacrifice lot for the band!

The night all in all was great! Great friends (Theresa and Jason joined us which was super great!), great food, great music and great entertainment! I am just thankful for great nights such as this one!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.30.11

1) My new Keurig! I went today to get a Keurig and ended up finding an amazing deal a $199 Keurig for $80 plus I had a 20% off coupon! I am excited about all of the fun coffee and tea drinks I will be able to make! Anyone wanna come over for coffee?!? Or Tea?!? Or Hot Coco?!?

2) A phone call and an email both helping to clear up the unknown a little bit. Sadly the position I applied for that I REALLY wanted was filled, but two more positions opened up! I have realized over the past few years that I don't do well with the unknown! My mind starts to go to all kinds of crazy places thinking about the what-if's and what could be's when I sit in the unknown. I am so thankful for clarification and to know what to expect!

3) Amazing friends who think so much like me! My friend Kati and I think very much a like, it is nice to be able to call her up and explain something and she just gets it! It was great today to be able to call her and processed life with her and for her to totally understand my thought process! I am so very blessed and thankful for amazing friends such as Kati who are in my life!

4) New friends! I love making new friends and tonight was a reminder of that. I have been going to Women in the Word at my church on Thursday night and have loved the other women I sit with weekly. One of them has quickly become a fun friend of mine. We are getting together for lunch this weekend and I am very excited for that!

5) I got to see Bob & Natalie Schaller today! I just wrote about Natalie earlier this week but seriously her and Bob are two of my favorite people in the whole wide world! They were flying out today to spend a month in Nepal doing medical missions. They flew out of DFW so I took a long lunch so I could go hug them and send them off. It was such a sweet time! Those two literally are like a breath of fresh air in my life. We talked about how next summer if I'm not working during the months of June, July and August I could go with them. This thought brought tears to my eyes and excitement to my heart! I LOVED seeing these two, even if it was just while they stood in line to check their baggage!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.27.11

1) Sun-dried Tomato Cream Cheese from Yogi's! This is just about the best cream cheese I have ever had. I bought me some bagels to work today and stopped at Yogi's to get some cream cheese and I think I hit the JACKPOT! I left it at work so I have something to look forward to as I stroll into the office... I will be enjoying my morning bagel each day this week!

2) Getting my very own office at work! I have been promoted twice now in the past 6 months, the first time I got a computer upgrade and therefore a permanent docking station. Today I got my own office. I feel like I'm pretty big news now, I've got my own office and my own key to that said office that has my name engraved on it (I think they did that so I felt like I had to stay forever... I wonder if they will make new keys when I leave or just leave the keys as my legacy at MCOT?!?!) Tomorrow I make the move, it will be nice to have a place to put all my stuff and feel "official"!

3) Those funny-looking silver things you put in your windshield to keep the sun out! I have recently found mine and used them today for the first time. It is crazy how much they help to keep my car cool. Yesterday as I got into my car I burnt myself on my seat belt and could barely touch the steering wheel because it was so hot. I know that these are natural hazards living in Texas, but seriously the person who invented those silver things was a GENIUS!

4) Ceiling fans! Once upon a time I was very afraid of ceiling fans, so much so that I would sleep in the closet when I spent the night at a friend's house if they had a ceiling fan! I had a fear they
were going to fall down and cut me into a million pieces. Now I know that was silly and I will not tell you how old I was when I had those fears (I was old enough that I should not have had that fear!). But now-a-days I find it hard to sleep if there is not a fan on, I am so thankful for a fan in my bedroom and fear the day I have to move to a place where there is no fan in my bedroom! And I long to be back in my room in Thailand where the only cooling factor was the fan.... SIGH....

5) NATALIE SCHALLER and the sweet time I was able to talk with her on the phone. Natalie is one of my very dearest and best friends. We went to undergrad together and eventually were roommates before she got married. Her and her husband are like family to me!

With both of us living such crazy lives right now it is rare that we catch each other on the phone. It was so sweet to catch up with her and just to hear her voice. It always brings such joy to my heart to talk to her. I love how God continues to allow us to walk through life together even though we do not live in the same place! It was so sweet to catch up with her! I love and miss that girl and am
SO THANKFUL for her friendship and sisterhood!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.26.11

1) Yet another amazing annual trip to Sugarland, TX! Kati, Erin, Batey and I loaded
in the car and headed south on Thursday afternoon!
We stopped in Waco to say Hi
to the Bears, got caught in the rain and stuck behind TWO accidents. It took us over 7 hour to get there, but it was a fun car ride!

We had a great supper and worked on pillowcases for the campers at a camp that
Batey works at every year and then we went to bed.
We got up the next morning ready for the beach! We spent the day laying out at Galveston beach. When we left I got a little taste of home when we stopped at Rita's. If you have never been to Rita's, you really should try to find one near you! It's amazing!
They have fresh Italian ice in multiple flavors and also frozen custard. My favorite is the Gelati that has both custard and ice! I got strawberry lemonade and mango ice with vanilla custard!It was such a great ending to our time at the beach. When we got back to Kati's parents house they had ourte meal all ready for us. We ate and then watched a movie (The Proposal, I love me some Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds!) It was truly an amazing weekend! I can't wait to do it all again next year!

2) The beach. I spent many of my growing up years on the beach. In high school once that final bell rang (and to honest... a lot of times before it did) I would jump in my car and head to the beach. I kept a swimsuit and a beach towel in my car and I was ready to go. I have so many good memories from that beach, it was my get-away. I would often go and just listen to the waves crash and think about how big and powerful God is. I was able to do that again this weekend. I laid there on my beach towel and just listened. The waves were crashing, the birds were squawking and people were playing andI just was still. It was such a sweet time!

3) Sweet Tea! Nothing says summer like a good ol' sweet tea!

4) Time spent with friends!

5) A good book! I spent much of my time this weekend reading. I love to read, I always have! I love how the words on a page can take you to a different land and you can dive into the world. I love how a book can allow you to see and experience new things. I just love to read, I am thankful for all the good books that are out there for me to read, and I am thankful to now have time to read for fun again!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Be Still...

When my good intentions turn into my striving
And Your image is made weak for I am strong
I'm amazed that Your heart keeps on trying
To bring my mind to that of Christ's
Where I belong

As I seek Your face and fall upon Your grace
You say...

Be still my child, and know that I am Holy
Be still my child, and know your heart is in my hands
Be still my child, and gaze into my eyes
Can you tarry awhile for all the tears I have cried
Can you stay awhile and let go of your pride
And will you trust me with your life
Because I died
Be still
Be still

Well I've poured my life out upon the alter
And I've said "Not my will but Thine be done"
It's when I try to understand I often falter
And when I take control the battles never won
Defeated I cry
Even still You rush to my side
And say...

Be still my child, and know that I am Holy
Be still my child, and know your heart is in my hands
Be still my child, and gaze into my eyes
Can you tarry awhile for all the tears I have cried
Can you stay awhile and let go of your pride
And will you trust me with your life
Because I died
Be still
Be still

And if only you trust in me my child
I will give you PEACE

While I was in Brasil in 2003 I was struggling one day with really wanting to know what God wanted to do in and through me. A teammate brought me a cd and told me to listen to the last track, it was this song entitled Be Still. I remember sitting in a hammock on a beach and this was my view...a tropical paradise. I sat there and enjoyed God's beauty and realized how BIG He truly was... so I just sat there being still with God and knowing that He had great plans for me.
I love this song because it speaks so sweetly to my heart and reminds me of that time. I listen to this song often and it reminds me to be still and just trust. I still have my questions about where God wants me as I don't know what the future holds... and yet He rushes to my side and tells me to just be still!

BE STILL: To be quiet, calm, to leave behind worries and cares of this world, to dwell in the presence of the Most High God while longing to remain there, and to be undisturbed in our souls....

Thankful for TODAY 6.22.11

1) Having small feet! I realized today that I think I would go broke if I could fit into normal size shoes! It is so rare that I find cute shoes that fit my size 2 feet that when I find them, I buy them. Over the years I have learned to walk in shoes that are slightly too big on me (maybe I haven't totally learned cause I trip a lot!) But I love when I get to wear a special find of mine! Today I wore my red Anne Kline heels to work and got so many compliments on them. I think God knew what he was doing when He gave me small feet.... otherwise I would be broke and would need a whole other show closet!

2) The clearance rack at Target! Today my outfit consisted of a cute white sundress and red cardigan (which matched the Anne Kline shoes perfectly!), both of which were found last night on the 50% clearance rack at Target! You never know what kind of treasure you are going to find on those racks!

3) In less then 24 hours I will be Sugarland, Texas with three amazing girls (and one said girls parents... who are also amazing!). Around noon tomorrow Kati, Erin, Batey and I will load into Erin's car and hit the road for our annual trip to go visit Kati's parents! I am so thankful for these amazing friends and this trip I know is going to be great. We will be hitting up the beach, eating great food and just relaxing for a couple of days before heading back to Fort Worth on Saturday.

4) Hanging with Friends (the Iphone app!) This app along with an amazing component (Theresa) allows me much needed breaks while at work! If you don't know what Hanging with Friends is think old school Hangman only much cooler! If you have it you should invite me to play with you (name is oogajen)

5) Today I am overly thankful that I serve a God who is sovereign! A God who has a bigger and better plan for me then I could ever imagine. I love that I know He knows exactly what is going on in my life when I am clueless! I love that He has everything under control when I don't know how things are going to work out! I love that He knows what my heart needs and when I need it! I love that even in the midst of unknown I can still sit and rest in His sovereignty and know He is good. So as I wait for phone calls about my future, and dream about the perfect job, and as I pray about the desires of my heart I feel the stirring within my soul and hear the sweet voice of the Lord, and I know... He's got this....

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.19.11

I'm cheating a little and these are the things I'm thankful from the whole weekend...

1) Being able to celebrate with sweet friends as they get engaged. One of my dearest friends Sarah got engaged on Friday and I was able to join with our other friends to celebrate with her and her fiancee Aaron as they begin this journey to 11-11-11 when they will become one! Pictures will come soon (as I may have forgot my camera in OK at Sarah's house!)

2) The combination of Roots Coffeehouse, Iced Raspberry Chai tea, my journal and Bethany Dillion streaming through my headphones! It was a sweet Saturday night as I spent curled up in a comfy chair and just spent time with the Lord.

3) Days spent at the lake with dear friends. Today was spent at Grapevine Lake with Kati and Erin and it was a great day!

4) Sunscreen! So that I am able to spend days like today at the Lake and not get sunburned and be in pain for the days to come.

5) This blog and my journal... I've spent the evening reading my old posts on here and reading old journal entries. I love being able to see where I was at, where God has brought me and how I have grown over the years. I love being able to look back and see God's hand in my life guiding and directing my steps. It gives me hope for the future because I know that He will be at work and that things will be good even in the midst of hard times!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.16.11

1) Clinque Dramatically Different Moisturizing lotion.... it is pretty dramatic the difference it makes in moisturizing my face! That combined with Clinque Turnaround lotion is like a miracle sent from heaven! Remember the great day at the lake on Sunday? Well my face does and it wanted to remind me this morning with dry flaky, skin. It's like my face wants to peel but not quite. So I lathered on the Clinque products and went on with my day with smooth, glowing skin :-)

2) Being able to take a long lunch to go get my nails done! It seems that every time I enter into a Nail Salon I cannot help but think of the Anjelah Johnson skit about nails (If you have not seen it, watch it! But beware you may never be able to go to a nail salon without laughing again!). I felt like I was in that skit today but I couldn't say "no". I got a mani, pedi AND a design on my toes! All in Elephantastic Pink! The final product (and my teal strapped Ssekos!)
3) Panera! I have not been in so long, but every time I go I remember how much I love it. Today I got it to go and ate it in front of my computer at work (since I spent my lunch hour getting my nails done), my staff kept coming into my office to ask me questions... did I stop eating? No! I could not put down my Italian Combo on an Asiago bagel! Was it rude... maybe? But it was SO good!

4) The frozen yogurt fade. I don't know if they have these everywhere but in Fort Worth this trend has spread like Hot Cross Buns! If you don't know what I am talking about picture this... You walk in to a little store and they have multiple frozen yogurt machines (you know like the ones they had at Sizzler or a similar buffet restaurant when you were a kid) and these machines are filled with delicious flavors such as Cinnamon Graham Cracker, Coconut Cream, Peanut Butter, Cheesecake, Chocolate Devil's food cake and so much's hard to pick just one! But the great part is... you don't have to. You can try each one if you would like then you grab a bowl and fill it with as much or as little of the flavors you would like then you proceed to the toppings! They have all the topping you could imagine! Fresh fruit, candy bars, gummy bears (my favorite!), sprinkles, yogurt chips etc etc and then they have syrups to top it off. Once you have it all made you put it on a scale and you pay per ounce. It is amazing! Last night my creation was... Coconut Cream and Chocolate mint topped with gummy bears, yogurt chips and crushed oreos! It was GREAT!

5) My bed! Today has been a LONG day! I got to the office at about 7:30am and didn't leave till 6:30, then I went to Women in the Word from 7:00 - 8:30 and then headed home. The first thing I did was brush my teeth, change out of my work clothes and jump into bed. That is where I currently am posting this from. I love my bed, it is so comfortable! I get comfortable under my down comforter (yes it is summer and 100 outside and I still sleep with a down comforter... it provides...comfort!). Daisy burrows her way under the covers and snuggles up to my leg and I continue to do what I need to do (post my blog, read a book or watch a movie). My bed has become my favorite place in my apt. I am thankful that after a long day I can come home to something so comfortable and begin to relax!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What's next?

I was reminded tonight that this Friday will mark the 6 month anniversary of my graduating with my masters degree. That time has flown by, it seems like just last week I was walking across that stage trying to hold back the tears from flowing down my cheeks. I had lunch with an old classmate today and we talked about how it is almost a grieving process graduating from school and saying good-bye to that stage of life. So now here I am 6 months later, in a job I love and with all this extra time on my hands.... so what's next?

That's the question that has been resounding in my heart this week... What's next? Where do I go from here? I spent so many years trying to get to this point, now I'm here... so what's next? If you know me at all I would hope that you would know that it is my desire to love people well and my passion to work with younger women and show them love. This is what has been on my heart lately... walking alongside younger women and mentoring them and just living life with them. That is what my heart longs for... but what does that look like? I have been thinking about this and praying through it for the last few weeks and I honestly don't know what that looks like right now! But I'm trusting that I will know when I see it. I was browsing the Internet the other day and came across a blog on this very topic and was very challenged by it. The author asked a couple questions that really have challenged me, she wrote...
Let me ask you a few questions:

*Are you pursuing the relationships God brings across your path?
*Are you asking the Lord for courage to share your life with other women?

*When the Lord presents you with an opportunity, are you willing to say yes?

*Are you praying about how Titus 2 relationships can occur in this season of life? (James 4:2)
*Are you realizing that others’ questions are your Titus 2 moments, wrapped in their confusion and need?

*All of us are to be connected to women ahead of us and to encourage women behind us. It’s God’s plan, and it works.*

So my prayer is that I would continue to ask myself these questions and really open my eyes to see the women that God wants me to pour my life into and walk through life with. I am super excited about this stage in life and am excited to see what's next....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.13.11

1) Ibuprofen! I woke up this morning and my lower back was killing me! Every little movement I made sent a sharp pain throughout my back. My range of motion was not very good. But I took 4 amazing little gel capsules and started to feel much better!

2) A flex schedule at work, now that I am the supervisor I am working a lot more but I am able to make my own schedule. I rarely get there on-time because I know I'll be leaving hours past my end time. Today I didn't roll in until about 10, it gave me two extra hours to lay in bed!

3) Today I wore a skirt that has not fit since I've lived in Texas! I'm thankful that in losing weight, my old clothes are starting to fit again! And thankful I've held onto them!

4) My CHI straightener! I went to bed with wet hair last night and woke up this morning with a monster on my head! It looked as though Daisy had made a nest in my hair! Thankfully with the power of the CHI no one will ever see that!

5) An e-mail with the confirmation that my application was accepted and I should hear from someone within the next couple of weeks! Hint: This would allow me to not work during the months of June, July and August! (Again more to come in a later post!)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.12.11

1) Church at the lake... my dear friend Kati and I decided to do church at the lake this morning. We went and each shared a passage that has been speaking to us and talked about why, and then we prayed. It was such a sweet time! We were able to really talk about what God is doing in our lives and what we believe He is calling us to in this moment. It was a precious time! We then spent the next few hours on our rafts in the water... I have the sunburn to prove it!

2) Raspberry Race nail polish and being able to "tramp it up" with painted finger nails! It's been awhile since I've had painted finger nails, but I think I'm liking the trend!

3) The combo of Roots Coffee Shop, my journal, the work of Kelly Minter: The fitting room and Jesus. Actually I was thankful for this yesterday as I spent about 4 hours at said location with said things. It was a sweet sweet time as I just sat and had a date with Jesus. I was able to really process all that has been going on and get refocused. And I was able to read Kelly Minter 's chapter for my weekly study with Kati and Erin (I am very proud of myself for not waiting till the last minute to read this week!)

4) A good cheeseburger! Nothing says summer like a burger and fries by the lake! Thank you Big Daddy's Cafe for such an amazing lunch

5) Theresa (Butler) Mellard! I love how she and I can walk though life together! I am so thankful for how God has weaved our lives together and allowed us to live life with one another. I am thankful that she loves me for who I am and trusts me to see who she is! I was reminded today of how thankful I am to be KNOWN by her!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thankful for TODAY 6.11.11

I have loved going back and reading some of my Thankful for TODAY blogs. I thought I would reintroduce the idea. I have been reminded so much lately of how precious TODAY is and how I need to live in that, so welcome back Thankful for TODAY!

1) Live music... last night I went with a coworker to Music Under the Stars and listened to Carrie Rodriguez play. It was a beautiful night and fun to just sit and listen to live music.

2) Redbox! I love movies and I love that Redbox lets me swing by and pick up a movie for $1.08 (as long as I don't forget to return it...). Today's movie of choice Just go with it

3) Saturdays, and not having to work on said day!

4) Sseko sandals! If you have not heard of these sandals, you must go to their website and find out all about them. The are amazingly comfortable sandals
in which you kinda design. You buy the base and can buy multiple straps in all kinds of colors. Each time you wear them, they can be a new sandal! And best of all they are made in Uganda by women who are trying to earn money to go to college. Please go to the website and read the story. I love these things! I have ordered straps in black, marigold, teal and red!

5) Daisy! She has been so sweet lately as she cuddles up with me and I love that she is always at the door to welcome me home. As much as she can drive me crazy at times I love that little girl!